Friday, 15 October 2010


While the focus of my blogging is still my cuts challenge, an email arrived which has almost forced me to do another Rambling.

The below was sent to one of our 'team email addresses' - i.e. the ones on the bottom of press releases which go to the whole team to make sure journalist and client enquiries are dealt with quickly.

Normally spam just irritates me, but I add to the junk mail settings and forget about it.  But this is different:
1) It's from a communications firm. And one specialising in social media. They should know better.
2) It's from the USA, I mean it's obvious that the client in question is UK only as indeed is my company which is clear from the domain name.
3) It makes it sound as if I may know this person.  I've never heard of them.
4) It doesn't make sense. "Our unique process streamlines the marketing and PR process, which eliminates unnecessary costs and allows you to focus your marketing budget on achieving results." How?
5) They want to 'connect'. Dread word.

At least they didn't call themselves social media gurus.

Anyway, I know I shouldn't, but I've responded. After all if they want to fly the team to New York to meet, then why not!


  1. Hi there, I have recently read the BBC magazine article about your cuts challenge, and found it interesting and enjoyable. However, I also noticed you work in PR, from this blog and from the aforementioned BBC article, and slightly rudely, I wish to ask you for your advice.

    I am 19 and currently studying a political communications degree with the idea of going into PR after I graduate. How do I get started? What do PR firms look for? Are all the good jobs in london and the south east? Any advice on how you got in to it, the perks and downsides and anything like that would be much appreciated.

    Thank you very much, sorry for hijacking your blog, and I understand if you don't reply.

    Thanks again,


  2. Hi Alec,

    Sorry for delay in responding... Ive been away from London.

    Your degree sounds like a good start, but as (hopefully) you've heard from elsewhere you also need experience.

    Your student paper or radio, standing in union elections or involvement in other student societies (promoting events etc) will all help.

    As will work experience.

    Most PR firms in the UK offer work experience programmes. I good place to get a list of reputable firms is the PRCA website ( I would call each first to make sure you send your application for these posts to the right person.

    If you want to send your CV to the company I work for (Band & Brown -, Direct Message me on Twitter (si_francis) and I'll give you an email address.

    If you don't have Twitter, I suggest you start as social media's an increasing part of our world (follow hashtags like PR, comms, commschat and marketing to get a sense of what's being said).

    Hope this helps
